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What is Happening Under Your Floor

13 July 2022

What is Happening Under Your Floor?


If you have a house built on piles (as opposed to a concrete slab floor) there is often a crawl space under the floor to allow for access to check / repair problems under the house.


There are several things to check on a regular basis under your house. A house inspection by an A Buyer’s Choice Home Inspector will include checking:


  1. The condition of the floor and joists for stability, rot, and insects (e.g., Borer) damage. 
  2. The condition of the pipes and pile / bearer ties - with respect to stability.
  3. The presence of a DPC - damp proof course between pile / bearers to prevent moisture transmission.
  4. The presence of drainage - to ensure outside water is not running under the house which would produce dampness. Plastic sheeting to cover bare soil is worthwhile to prevent moisture from the soil transmitting to the floor.
  5. Crawl space ventilation - are there enough ventilation grills to allow sufficient air movement to keep the floor dry?
  6. Check the plumbing system for leaks. 
  7. Check the electrical wiring for any cable damage and ensure proper cable support.
  8. Underfloor insulation - there needs to be underfloor insulation for accessible floors on all rental property by law by the 1st of July 2019. The insulation must be to a minimum rating of R 1.3.


Have A Buyer’s Choice Home Inspections conduct a full house maintenance inspection. Early detection of problems can save a lot of money. Call 0800 86 36 36.


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