This month this New Zealand standard was issued. It sets out the standard required for sampling, testing, reporting and decontamination of Methamphetamine effected properties. The key points of the standard are:
Contact your A Buyer’s Choice Home Inspector for Methamphetamine testing done in accordance with
NZS 8510:2017.
Insurance companies such as AIG will cover policy holders for Meth contamination. The policy will almost always exclude family members who use (or manufacture) the drug at the property.
Typically, forensic quantitative testing which shows contamination levels above the specified levels is covered. As an example, AIG will only cover up to $30,000 for decontamination and a minimum excess of $2,500 will apply unless a higher excess applies.
Since badly contaminated properties (such as where “P” has been manufactured) could cost much more than $30,000 to rectify there is still a high risk of a big financial loss. It is important therefore to ensure properties are tested when buying or renting.
There is no cover for holiday rentals or air b and b type short letting arrangements for Meth use but cover exists for contamination from manufacture storage and distribution. For landlords to be insured a whole raft of conditions apply such as:
Failure to do these things may well invalidate the insurance. It would be wise to contact your A Buyer’s Choice Home Inspector to test for Methamphetamine before you buy or rent out a property.